
Okay I haven't mentioned this yet because I didn't know how far I would be able to go with it, but here it goes!
I have been a smoker for 5 years maybe longer, but I recently quit cold turkey! It has been almost  a month and I am going strong! With the support of my family and friends  I think I might just get through this.  The cravings have calmed, (I have more money, lol) and I have gotten to a point where I go the whole day and don't even think about smoking! Which is amazing to me because I never thought I would get to this point.  I can breath better, smell better! And am mentally happier, knowing that I have acomplished something for myself.

So for you smokers out there that are thinking about quiting.....take it from me, if I can do it, you definetly can too!!

If you have any questions about how I did it, or what it's like.... anything at all, don't hesatate to ask.


Sparkling Mimi said…
Congratulations!!!! That's wonderful news...I hear more and more about people breaking the habit. I know how hard it is to do too. I quit smoking about 20 years ago. I was a very heavy smoker at the time and I know that if I hadn't taken the steps to stop I wouldn't be here right now. So I applaud you for taking the step. Wooooo hoooo!!!!

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