How To Deal With A Body Image You Are Not Satisfied With.

Hello Beautiful Butterflies!! I am hoping you are having a wonderful day!

We live in a society today that teaches us the correct body image. Actually, there is no such thing as the correct body image, just like there is no such thing as a correct smile. If you think your body image is incorrect for you, you might look at it from a different perspective. It may be easier to change how you interpret your body image than going through a torturous process to reach the right weight, right looks or the right posture. this article will explore how the state of mind that you are in determines how you judge yourself.

Judgments are usually based on and shaped by what other people think. When we have the ability to not be limited to the cage of other people's judgments, we may find the ability to have unconditional love. Often, when we think of love, we think of loving other people. Although that is valuable in our life, we need to love ourselves unconditionally. That means that no matter what you think other people think about you, you have to go deep enough to be free from judgments.

The way you know that freedom is to look at your breath. All of your worries, stress, guilt and fears affect your breathing. If you find that state of mind where your breath flows through you without any resistance, you will be free of judgments. This is the Easy Breath. The reason is that this breath is not limited by your mind. It creates a perspective that allows you to see things without any judgments, without any shoulds, but to accept just as it is.

When it comes to your won body image, can you see it with unconditional love? You may think this is impossible, but look at your focus. Your focus is on the thought, your interpretation and sometimes how other people would interpret you. This may seem like a giant step, to go beyond your thoughts, but it is as easy as just focusing on your breath.

Look at our society today, there are thousands of diet clinics and techniques to help you attain the body image that you want. These are great tools and can definitely help you, but you have to look at how you use external resources. When you are in a clear state of mind, free from anxiety or disappointment of how you see yourself, you will have a better ability to tap inner resources to help you use external resources. Approaching them with self-doubt, the attitude "I just can't do this, " or any negative self-judgment means these exteranal resources will not be as effective.

The first step of any path to improve yourself has to be the state of mind that you start from. This path amay not be so easy, but dealing with your own self-image in your mind could be the easiest thing on this path. Most people think that is an impossible task to control, but it is your own resistance that makes it difficult.

Think of someone that loves you unconditionally and imagine them accepting you exactly as you are. Now since you imagined that, your mind created that experience and show that love to yourself. When you accept that love, notice your breath. Relax so your breath effortlessly floats through you.

Practice this before you go to sleep and upon awakening, do this imagery for about 10 day & this will become a useful habit. Then, when you need that unconditional love for yourself, just take an Easy Breath and feel loved.

The solution to the question of how to deal with a body image you are not satisfied with is simple, look at yourself from an unconditional loving perspective and do not judge yourself.

You are perfect the way you are, do not let anyone else tell you different! Love yourself unconditionally and your self esteem and mood will lift considerably! I just want to let you know that I love you and that you are very important to me!

Remember that you are loved!
I hope you all have a fantastic day and I will see you next time!

<3 Angela


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