5 Tutorials To Teach You How To Apply Eyeshadow Properly.
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Whenever I walk into Sephora to gaze at all the makeup, I always feel more then a little out of my league when I speak to the makeup artists.
Not because they have flawless skin.
Or because their eyeliner looks perfect.
Or because they have the most gorgeous eyebrows known to man.
I can accept that I will never have any of those things.
But, even though I practice everyday, (and bye the bye it is getting easier) my eyeshadow never looks as amazing as theirs does! It's like they have a magic makeup wand that they use!
I mean, really, an artsy-fartsy girl like myself should have nailed down the techniques of blending and shading and making my eyes look amazing by now!
But, like any girl struggling to perfect their makeup look, it does take time and practice. So here is some amazing makeup tutorials to help you crack this makeup code!

Let me know what you think.
Oh, and if you're looking for a fabulous, yet inexpensive, eyeshadow palette to try, may I recommend the "Because I'm Worth It" L'Oreal Paris Colour Riche Eye shadow quad? The colors are perfect for everyday use, and after mastering the techniques in the tutorials below, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with how easily these shadows blend!
1. Beginner Eye Makeup Tips & Tricks by TheMakeupChair.
This is a quick tutorial that is filled with fabulous tops and tricks to help you get the hang of how to apply eye makeup.
2. How to Apply Makeup Like a Pro by: TheMakeupChair
This tutorial is for more natural-looking eyes, has great little tips thrown in, and uses makeup products you can buy at your local drug store. And I absolutely LOVE how she ties the look in with her lip gloss at the end!
3. Step by Step Eyeshadow Tutorial by gossmakeupartist.
I never used eyeshadow primer before watching this tutorial, but after doing some research I decided to splurge on the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion and I haven't looked back. Not only does my eyeshadow go on smoother, but I never (/EVER!) get that annoying grease line on my eyelids!
4. Simple Eyeshadow Makeup Tutorial by Emma Pickles.
If you don't have hours to be fussing with makeup, but still want to look like you put SOME effort into your appearance, this video will blow you away! Seriously.
5. Super Simple Mistake-Proof Eyeshadow by gossmakeupartist.
This tutorial shares one of the best (and, apparently, one of the oldest!) eyeshadow techniques of makeup artists, and it has taught me how to extend my eyeshadow out for a more dramatic look on the rar occasion that I'm going out for dinner and want to look a little moe....sophisticated than I usually do. But it also works well for more subtle, natural looks.
6. Bonus Tip...
Whether you've made a mess of your eyeshadow or just want to lift your eyes, this trick by gossmakeupartis will blow you away!
If you found these tutorials to teach you how to apply eyeshadow properly helpful, please share them and let us know what was most helpful int the comments below!

And if your looking for other beauty related tips and tricks follow "Lipstick and Rouge" where we share all kinds of fabulousness!
xoxo Angela R.