Save or Toss? The Truth About Makeup Expiration Dates!
We have all gone through that desisive moment when we wonder, should I save or toss this makeup product? And I know how hard it can be to throw your favorite blush or lipstick away, but abiding to makeup expiration dates is actually very important. Why? Cosmetics trap bacteria, which means replacing them regularly is necessary to avoid skin irritation, breakouts, eye infections and styes. Remember, expiration dates start the day you open a makeup product, not the day you bought it!
How do you know when to toss that foundation or mascara? The more moisture the product has-or the closer it comes to your eyes-the shorter its life span, once opened. Separation or changes in texture or smell are dead giveaways this product has gone bad. Keep scrolling down the page for exactly how long you can use your favorite products without worry!

Shelf Life- 6 Months to 1 Year.
Tips: Keep your foundation germ-free for longer by keeping your fingers away from the neck of the bottle. Instead, gently drip the foundation onto the back of your hand before you apply. If you nitice your foundation starts to separate, it's definitely time to toss it.

Shelf Life- 8 to 10 years.
Tips: Fragrance is the longest-lasting product in your beauty routine by far! Max out your perfume's shelf life by keeping your scents out of direct sunlight. (Some brands, like Le Labo, even suggest storing them in the fridge.)

Lipstick, Liner and Gloss.
Shelf Life: 1 Year
Tips: It's time to toss your favorite lip products when you notice a change in their texture-whether that means they dry out or get goopy. Make your favorite red last longer by keeping it in a cool dry place. (Meaning, don't leave it in your bot car!)

Brow Pencil and Kohl Eyeliner.
Shelf Life: 1 Year
Tips: Pencils last longer than most eye products, since they're constantly being sharpened. Keep your liners away from your steamy bathroom to extend their life.

Shelf Life: 3 Months
Tips: Replacing your mascara regularly is incredibly important to avoid eye infections. Switch out every three months, or sooner if you notice the formula gets clumpy or starts to smell funny, which means it's gone bad. And, of course, don't ever share mascara!!

Liquid Eyeliner.
Shelf Life: 3 to 4 Months.
Tips: Just like mascara, don't share your liquid eyeliner. since germs are your biggest enemy in this part of your makeup bag.

Blush and Powder.
Shelf Life: 2 Years.
Tips: The longest lasting color cosmetics you'll ever buy, powder formula blushes last around two full years!

Cream Blush and Multiple Sticks.
Shelf Life: 12 to 18 Months.
Tips: Toss cream blush and "multiple" sticks (as in, products you can use on your cheeks and lips) If you notice a change in their texture-and always use clean hands when applying them, to help keep the tubes and pots germ-free.

Eye Shadow.
Shelf Life: 3 to 6 Months.
Tips: While powder shadows can last as long as powder blushes (about two years), they should be replaced more often since they're used around your eyes.

Nail Polish.
Shelf Life: 1 to 2 Years.
Tips: Heat and direct sunlight will make your polish separate and become discolored faster, so store your lacquers upright in a cool, dry place.

Gel Eyeliner.
Shelf Life: 2 Months.
Tips: Unfortunately, a pot of gel eye liner should only be used for a few months, since it easily traps bacteria.
Thank you all for joining me today!
I hope this helps sorting out your makeup a little easier!
Don't forget to Like, Share, and Comment if you find what you see interesting!
And until next time, Take care and God Bless!
Angela R.