14 Incredibly Easy Ways to Organize Your Makeup!
When it comes to makeup, organization is key to get that look your looking for, also if you are in a hurry it saves time trying to find that certain shade of lipstick in a pile of others.
1. Find a place for each kind of product and stick to it!

With clear drawers you always know where everything is!
2. Fill a Votive holder with coffee beans and put your brushes in it!

If you are not into the smell of coffee, you can use dry white beans or whatever you prefer!
But, if you do like the smell of coffee, you are going to love this! It smells so good!
3. Magnetize your Makeup!

This is some NEXT LEVEL organizational witchery. Wrap a cookie sheet in the paper or fabric of your choice, then glue small magnets to the back of each product.
You can even frame it if you like!

4. Put everything out in the open where you can see it!

This amazing vanity is made of Ikea furniture and acrylic trays from a craft store. It take less then a a hour to assemble! Learn how here!
5. Deconstruct and Decoupage old boxes.

This pretty organizer is made from cereal and oatmeal boxes, but you can use what ever you have on hand!
6. You can also make a whole chest of cardboard drawers!

This one uses old Birchboxes, but as with the organizer above any kind of small boxes will work just as well! Instructions Here!
7. Hang you products up and reclaim your precious bathroom counter space!

No matter how much counter space you have in your bathroom it will never be enough. It's a law of physics or something! This organizer is made from craft store pails, a shower curtain, and ribbon!
8. Sew a little sleeping bag for you brushes!

Aww look how snuggly and safe they are now! Instructions Here!
9. Or contain them in Gold!

These are just mason jars painted gold, but they look very fancy and Anthropologie - esque, don't they? Get to it!
10. Divide (and conquer) your drawers!

Simple draw inserts are great for decluttering a jumbled vanity. You can browse some inexpensive ones Here!
11. Hanging organizer + makeup = genius!

This is another way of reclaiming your counter space.
Stick this on the back of a closet door to make clutter a thing of the past!
12. Use magazine racks to bring order to stacks of big palettes!

Palettes are the best thing ever, but storing them is the worst.
Pick up a magazine rack at the dollar store and you'll reclaim tons of surface space!
Plus I think they look so much prettier and it makes it so much easier to find what your looking for!
13. Use a bead organizer to straighten stuff up!

So many compartments and it makes everything look so much better!
And you will feel so good knowing exactly where everything is!
14. And if all of this is still seems like to much to manage, there's always this classic!

Thank you everyone for stopping by!
I hope you have a wonderful day and until next time, Take care and God Bless!!
Angela R.