My April Favorites!
Well it's that time again! I know that this blog post is coming kinda late, but I have had so much going on that my life has been a whirl wind and I haven't had any time. But, finally things are starting to calm down and I am here to show you my April Favorites! Some things are makeup related and some are not, but I hope that you find them all interesting and maybe become some of your new favorites!
Copco Water Bottle
I picked up this water bottle about a month ago so I could have something to take with me to the gym. I fell in love with this the second I started using it! This bottle though shaped like a water bottle has a secret, the top comes off so if you feel like putting in some ice or lemon, ect you can!
I have never had it leak or cause me any problems. It comes in some really pretty colors, I picked up the yellow one shown below. It's heavy duty plastic, BPA free and I really like the rubber grip in the center. I have also noticed that I drink more water because I use this so much!
Having this bottle also helps keep plastic water bottles out of our landfills!

Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream
I first heard about this product from a girl on YouTube who has a nail art and nail care channel.
My nails have always been very soft and flaky and tend to break very easily. I love to paint my nails, but realized after watching one of her videos that though I may try to take care of my nails, I am not taking care of them from the source, the cuticle! The cuticle is the root from where your nails get all the nutrients it needs to be strong and beautiful!
I have used cuticle oils before, but just found that they where messy and really only used them when I was giving myself a manicure. The Burt's Bees Cuticle Cream is a solid cream, so there is no mess. It's small enough to fit in your purse or pocket so that you can pull it out and apply it periodically through the day as you should. Using a cuticle oil only once a day is good, but for healthy nails you should be using it at least twice to three times a day! I know that seems like a lot, and I thought so to at first, but after trying it out, I did notice a difference in the way my cuticles looked and eventually my nails! Also the smell in incredible! I love anything lemon scented or flavored, so I was all for this! lol I think you will really like it too!

Real Techniques Miracle Correcting Sponge
While shopping at Walmart the other day in the beauty section, (big surprise lol) I stumbled upon Real Techniques brushes!!! I had no idea that Walmart sold real techniques products! I was so excited that I just had to buy something! lol
So I picked up the Miracle Correcting Sponge. I was planning a trip to Ulta this month because the closest one to me is more then a hour away! :( And was planning on picking this up when I got there anyway. This correcting sponge is known as the closest this you can get to actually buying a beauty blender. So instead of paying $20 you can pay $7 and basically get the same results.
I love the angled side and that it still has that pointed side so you can get into all the nooks and crannies of your face.
While I was checking out the Real Techniques section, I decided to pick up the powder brush as well. I love real techniques brushes, there soft, they pick up product really well, and the bristles are synthetic.
The powder brush is huge, but I like the movement it gives and the way it applies powder and even the way it contours your face if your looking to give your face a warmer look.

Bath and Body Works Vanilla Butter Cream Body Butter.
Now me and this lotion have become very
Like lemon scented things, I also love vanilla buttercream scented anything! I picked this up at a outlet mall that had a Bath and Body Works outlet store. And because it is a outlet store they no longer carry this hand cream in this scent in the main stores which I am so sad over because I have literally fallen in love with this scent! Omg this smells so good you could eat it! lol I love the way it makes me smell and how moisturizing it is! They only offered the travel size in this scent when I was there so I am starting to run low! :( If anyone knows where I can get this, please let me know!! lol

Well that is about it for my favorites this month!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and for all those
Super Moms out there, I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day!!!
Love you all and I will see you next time!
Angela R.