Thanksgiving D.I.Y Decorations!
Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
Well this morning I woke up to our very first snowfall here in Michigan. Wehn I first looked out the window early this morning it was like the scene from A Christmas Story were Ralph wakes up on Christmas morning to freshly fallen snow everywhere! And it is so breathtakenly beautiful! I was shocked when I saw it, also excited because personally I love the snow, when I am not out on the roads riding in it. lol But, its beauty is undeniable.
So today in light of Thanksgiving upon us, I am bringing you some Do It Yourself Thanksgiving decorations to make your home festive and to make your guests feel more at home.

This is something that I love and I think it is such a great idea!
Print out placemats for all of your place settings with a place for all of your guests to write down what they are most thankful for!
Then you can share them with each other!

These are great for center pieces or a accent on a mantel or shelf!

These smell so good!
Things you will need:
1. Pine Cones
2. Aluminum Foil (Optional)
3. Cookie Sheet
4. Large resealable plastic bag
5. Cinnamon Essential Oil
6. Spray Bottle
7. Cinnamon sticks (Optional)
Step 1:
Use an old cookie sheet or place aluminum foil on a cookie sheet that you use often. Place as many pine cones on the cookie sheet that will fit in a single layer. Put the cookie sheet on the middle rack in a preheated 200 degree oven for about an hour. The pine cones should open up during this time, if they are still tightly closed. This cooking process also kills any bugs and other bacteria that may be living in the pine cones. Let them completely cool.Step 2:
Place the cooled pine cones in a large resealable plastic bag. Make sure there is enough room to securely close the bag.
Step 3:
Put a few drops of the essential oil and just a bit of water in the spray bottle, shake and then generously spray the pine cones. Close the bag and shake it to mix the oil with the pine cones. Open the bag and spray again, once more closing and shaking the bagStep 3:
Step 4:

Another great idea for all of your friends and family to do!
I love this idea and thought I would add it in. :)

This D.I.Y is simple and so adorable!
I love the aspect of bringing the outside in! You could even paint the branches a color you like. Make this as small or as big as you want it! There are so many options when it comes to this. Including this idea of making a thankful tree.
I hope you all enjoyed these ideas!
If I don't see you before then, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Remember to count your blessings!
Love ya'll