Crockpot Apple Butter Recipie!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
Fall is here! It's October already can you believe it! Even so, this is one of my favorite seasons. I love watching the leaves change colors and float along the streets, seeing pumpkins and mums everywhere, Halloween, the smells of Fall foods and lots of apples!!!
Speakig of apples, I have a great Crockpot Apple Butter recipie for you all to enjoy!!!
This recipie is super easy and the apple butter tastes and smells so good!! Your house will smell so amazing that you will want to eat the whole batch! lol
I love to make it and it really gives you that Fall, cozy feeling.
Crockpot Apple Butter Recipie
approximately 3 lb. apples
(If you are buying apples by the bag, make sure to weigh it. If it weighs around 5 pounds then I usually add a extra cup of sugar for good measure :)
3 cups sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. cloves
dash of salt
3/4 cup water or fresh apple cider
1. Fill Crock-pot 3/4 full with peeled, cored and sliced apples. Add the remaining ingredients and stir until evenly mixed.
2. Cover and cook on low setting overnight or until the butter is of a thick, spreadable consistency.
If apple butter has too much liquid, remove lid and cook on high until thickened. Stir often as butter thickens to prevent scorching. (Side Note: If you are as impatient as I am, you can cook your apple butter on high to cook it down faster, but make sure to keep a closer eye on it so it doesn't scorch, stir often. If you plan on cooking this overnight, make sure to keep it on low setting.)
3. Store in refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. Freeze for longer storage.
4. To can the apple butter, pack into hot jars leaving 1/4-inch headspace and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
If apple butter has too much liquid, remove lid and cook on high until thickened. Stir often as butter thickens to prevent scorching. (Side Note: If you are as impatient as I am, you can cook your apple butter on high to cook it down faster, but make sure to keep a closer eye on it so it doesn't scorch, stir often. If you plan on cooking this overnight, make sure to keep it on low setting.)
I canned my apple butter in 4oz jars so it will keep longer.
But, that's it! So simple and tasty! This also makes great gifts for any holiday. I dress up my jars with a material square under the lid. They look so cute! \
Here is a extra Peach Butter recipie for you to check out as well!

Visit this link for the recipie!
I hope you all enjoy!
And that you all have a fabulous weekend!
God Bless!