Button, Button, whos got the Button!!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your summer as much as I am!
Today is all about, yep you guessed it...Buttons!!
I love buttons because there are so many projects you can do with them! Tons of different colors and shapes, you can use them with anything!
Most people have them hanging around there house, no pun intended, but if you don't, you can get some that are pretty inexpensive. I have a local Downtown Dime that sells a scoop of buttons for a $1.00 each. And at that price you get a ton! So keep your eyes open for discount buttons, or if your into polymer clay you can make your own! I think I just might put up a tutorial on how to do that! lol
So here are some different ideas you can use to make your own button diy's!
Button Bracelets!

This project is so simple and very cute after your done.
All you need is a button, and string the size and color you prefer.
Measure your wrist to the size you need by wrapping the string around your wrist and then doubling that amount. Cut the string and again find the middle and cut it in half so you have two pieces of string.
Then fold each piece in half to find the moddle, string through the bottom of your button and pull the ends through the loop in the bottom. Do that on both sides and them tie together in the back.
I have made one of these and what I did was I strung another button on and tied that off. Then on the other side made a loop so I could slip the loop over the button for a closer.

This one is so adorable and I love the colors that they used! This bracelet they sewed to elastic. That way all you have to do is slip it on!

I have made a bunch of these because they are so cute! And super easy to make!
They have stacked buttons on this tutorial, but you can string on single buttons. Skys the limit with these projects.
In this picture you can see the loop that I was talking about in the last picture.
Just for example so you can see.
When making this bracelet all you do is make a loop first, then string on your buttons!
When you get to the end, tie off your string and then use that loop to slip over the last button on your bracelet!

Another way is to use chain and findings to make a more fancy look!
Love this idea.

Cute button paper clips!
Get our your glue gun and glue away!
You can even make hair pins.
I hope you like these diy button projects!
You all have a wonderful day and I will see you next time!
Don't forget to follow, and comment if you like what you see!
Here are som extra do it youself projects!

Made out of old book pages! Isn't this awesome!

Great idea to keep books together!

Made from old book pages. Such a cute way to decorate any room!
Thanks guys!