Book of the Week!
Reading is something that I love to do. I am a sit down with a cup of tea and a good book kind of girl. And would rather have a book in my hands then reading it on a screen. So in light of the first day of April, I have decided that along with my D.I.Y posts, I am going to post a book of the week!
Besides my Mom, I am the only one in my family that loves to read! So thee is not a lot of people that I can talk to about a book that I have read.
So here is the very first book of the week! I know you will love it!
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio
How my Mother raised 10 kids on 25 words or less

Discription:How my Mother raised 10 kids on 25 words or less
Based on a true story in the 1950s, the Ryan family struggled to make ends meet. Ten kids and a father who spent most of his paycheck on booze drained the family's meager finances. But mom Evelyn Ryan, a former journalist, found an ingenious way to bring in extra income: entering contests on the backs of cereal boxes and the like. The author, Evelyn's daughter, tells the entertaining story of her childhood and her mother's contest career with humor and affection. She is not a professional narrator, but her love and admiration for her mother come through in every sentence. Evelyn won supermarket shopping sprees that put much-needed food on the table, provided washing machines and other appliances the family couldn't afford, and delivered cash to pay the mounting pile of bills. This well-told, suspenseful tale is peppered with examples of Evelyn's winning poems and slogans, taken from the years of notebooks that she saved and passed on to her daughter, and has a fiction-worthy climax that will keep listeners laughing even as they're glued to Ryan's tale.
The first time I heard about this magical story was on my television. One night I was flipping through the channels and came upon the movie made from this book. After watching the movie, I completely fell in love with Evelyn Ryan and her family.
Though I had seen the movie first, I still had to read the book!
Like most, the book was amazing. And really helped me learn more about he Ryan family.
This will be a story that will stay with me forever. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Thank you for joining me today!
I hope you have a great day!
God Bless you and yours. :)
Love, Angela