D.I.Y Tuesday!
<3 Do it yourself Valentines Day!<3
Valentines Day is right around the corner!
So here are some great DIY ideas you can use to get you in the spirit!
Love Letters!

This Valentines Day show someone how much you love them with a Love Letter!
I love the idea of timed love letters. You might not know what I am talking about, but for example here is how it works. Buy stationary or make your own cards. Put a inscription inside each card telling them what you like most about them, how much you love them ect,ect..
Seal the envelope and on the front starting at a time that would work for you, put different times from morning to night. Making sure to skip time every 2 to 3 hours.
Example:8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. and so on! That way that person has a card to open every few hours! lol
Heart Bouquet!

So pretty! With this you cold use a regular vase, or a mason jar!
Also, if you didn't want to use sticks you could use other tall floral branches.
I think this would give your house a great touch for Valentines Day!
Just cut out hearts out of construction paper or your favorite scrapbook paper!
You could totally go wild with this and put your imagination to work!