Nothing better then a good book and a cup of tea!
Hello fellow bloggers!
Well Spring has arrived in Michigan in true fashion, rain, rain, rain and wind, that's about it. But there are some benefits to a Michigan Spring. Green grass, blooming flowers and tree's, and the smell of summer upon us.
Looking out my window now its very dark and rainy which someday's can be kind of relaxing, it's a good day to make yourself a cup of tea and read a good book.
The book that I am currently reading is the Hunger Games. Yes I gave in and had to know what all the buzz was about! Turns out so far, this is a really good book! It keeps your curiosity and makes you wanting more, and I found myself not wanting to put it down.
I am only half way through but I suspect it will be a very good read!

And I suspect I will read the entire series eventually :)

Its called Her Fearful Symmetry.
Honestly I got so into this book that it was all I could think about after I read it. It really sticks with you, expescially if you relate to it in some way.
I do highly recommend this book!
Now if your the type who loves tea, I recently bought
Celestial True Blueberry Tea.

If you love Blueberry's you will love this Tea! It is so good! I drink it all the time!
One of my favorite things to do is make myself a good cup of tea. No matter what I'm doing it just seems to relax me, tea seems to have that effect anyway.
So there's just a little glimpse into some of my favorite things to get me through this dreary Michigan Spring!
I hope you enjoy the books I have mentioned, if your a reader I know you will.
Well time to go! I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend!
And that you glass is always Half Full!