My favorite time of year!
Its hard to believe that October is here, the leafs are changing, and swirling in the Fall wind, the tempreture is dropping and us Michiganians are trying to hold on to those very last days of warm summer weather!
Cause winter is not far off :(
But its hard for me to dismiss Fall, looking at the beautiful leafs, picking pumkins, (my Birthday) and Halloween! I get so excited for Halloween and everything that goes with it!
Scary movies, Fall decorations, Football, and handing out candy to all those cute Trick or Treaters!
Every year I do a line up of my favorite Halloween movie's! My faves are all oldies but goodies!
To me there's nothing better then watching Halloween with a big bowl of popcorn!
Here are my faves from TOP to BOttom :)

Now my sister and my used to watch this movie when we where younger.
Sometimes I wonder about the scary movies we used to watch, and how we were'nt scared to death!
Casue, this movie is scary!

Now when I talk about scared to death, I'm really surprised this movie didn't do it to me!
This being my least favorite movie! I honestly can say this movie still scares me! lol
There are so many other classics that I love!
And to me watching those tride, but true Halloween movies are just what I look forward to
during this time of year!
What scary Halloween movies are your favorite?
Happy Haunting!
Cause winter is not far off :(
But its hard for me to dismiss Fall, looking at the beautiful leafs, picking pumkins, (my Birthday) and Halloween! I get so excited for Halloween and everything that goes with it!
Scary movies, Fall decorations, Football, and handing out candy to all those cute Trick or Treaters!
Every year I do a line up of my favorite Halloween movie's! My faves are all oldies but goodies!
To me there's nothing better then watching Halloween with a big bowl of popcorn!
Here are my faves from TOP to BOttom :)
Halloween! Is deffinetly my top favorite! Watching this classic movie every year never gets old!
And it wouldn't be Halloween without watching Halloween!
Friday the 13th, this movie (though good) always makes me laugh!
And yelling at the screen for the Blonde haired girl to go the other way!!
Okay when I first watched this film I was in middle school, I was having a sleepover
and it scared the crap out of me!
Never wanted to go babysitting by myself again!
Scary, no more needs to be said. lol

Now my sister and my used to watch this movie when we where younger.
Sometimes I wonder about the scary movies we used to watch, and how we were'nt scared to death!
Casue, this movie is scary!
Now when I talk about scared to death, I'm really surprised this movie didn't do it to me!
This being my least favorite movie! I honestly can say this movie still scares me! lol
There are so many other classics that I love!
And to me watching those tride, but true Halloween movies are just what I look forward to
during this time of year!
What scary Halloween movies are your favorite?
Happy Haunting!