Real Simple Magazine's 6 New Uses for Ice Cubes!
Real Simple Magazine
(which is one of my favorite magazines!)
Just wrote a article entitled:
6 New Uses for Ice Cubes!
Which are:
1: Soup Skimmer
To skim excess fat from soup without refrigerating it,
fill a metal ladle with ice cubes, and glide is along the surface
a few times, wiping the ladle as needed.
Excess fat will cling to the ladle's bottom, (and not your's)
2: Soil Soaker
Water you plants without leaving them in the sink to drain by covering the surface
of the soil with ice cubes. They'll gradually hydrate your plant as they melt!
3: Caulk Smoother
As you squeeze a new line of caulk around a bathtub,
rub a corner of a ice cube behind it.
The ice will crate a clean edge without sticking.
4: Brow Soother
A few minutes before you tweeze, rub an ice cube over your brows to numb the skin,
then dry. Post-plucking ice again to minimize redness.
5: Disposal Scrubber
Run a handfull of ice cubes and a pinch of baking soda through your garbage disposal.
You'll get rid of the built-up grease on the blades and the leftover smell of well.......leftovers!
6: Handheld A/C
(Even thought the temprature is dropping, you could still use this tip for next year!)
When the summer heat is stifiling, hold a piece of ice on the underside of your wrist,
As blood flows through that chilly pulse point, your body temperature will slowly drop!
I love new uses for everyday things!
Anything that can help make our busy lives easier is worth it,
so I hope these tricks work for you!
Real Simple Magazine is full of simple tricks!
Tons of different ideas for your home and work!
Take a look, its a wonderfull Magazine!
Take Care Everyone and God Bless!!